Outdoor & grounds maintenance services
First impressions count, so we take pride in making the outside of your business look as smart as it does inside.
14forty integrate and manage carefully selected specialists to undertake various outdoor services such as grounds maintenance, gritting, pest control and waste management.
A considerate approach
Outdoor services should never disrupt your business activity, which can mean getting the job done out of hours to minimise disruption.
If that means heading out in the early hours to shovel snow or gritting your carpark before your workforce arrives, we’re mindful to schedule and execute works discretely, respecting your business priorities above all else.

Keeping the grass green & your reputation greener
We’ve painstakingly whittled down the nation’s finest outdoor specialists to deliver best-in-class outdoor services from landscaping to winterisation, providing peace of mind that your premises will always look and feel fantastic.
Regular maintenance ensures that grounds are free of hazards, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries to your employees. It can also help to prevent costly repairs, encourage greater use of your premises and enhance your business's curb appeal to potential new hires and talent.

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