How can facilities management companies help UK businesses hit their ESG targets?
At 14forty, we know that Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) targets can be vital cog in wheel for modern businesses, but for many companies in the UK, it can often become challenging with minimal external support.
In this article, we explore how ESG goals become easier to achieve when working with a dedicated facilities management company like 14forty.
Reducing waste
Research shows that in one year, the UK wastes more than 9.5 million tonnes of food. Expert facilities management services can help to reduce your company’s waste levels, making it better for the planet and vital for your ESG efforts.
At 14forty we’re focused on reducing the amount of waste our clients produce – our ethically-sourced coffee, locally sourced produce, creative use of leftovers and plant-based menus help businesses to become greener and more waste-friendly.
Meanwhile, our waste management experts help to drastically reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill with efficient waste separation, as well as refuse-derived fuel technology, where energy is generated from rubbish rather than throwing it away.

Health and safety
At 14forty, we believe it’s a company’s responsibility to provide a clean, safe work environment – even more so after a global pandemic, with recent research revealing 75% of office workers felt unsafe returning to the workplace.
As a dedicated facilities management company, we take an ultra-modern approach to cleaning. We pair many years of experience with state-of-the-art equipment and products to produce industry-leading results.
Just one example of this is Tersano, a specialist chemical free cleaning solution that kills 99.99% of bacteria, micro-organisms, and viruses, helping to keep workplaces safe whilst minimising the impact on the environment.

Employee happiness and wellbeing
As well as physical safety, we believe businesses have a social and ethical responsibility to ensure employees work in a friendly and supportive environment. Reliable security services can help to keep employees safe, and also provide people with peace of mind that helps them focus on their job.
Regular building and grounds maintenance can also help the workforce to feel inspired, valued and motivated. At 14forty, we work proactively to ensure our clients’ buildings are perfectly maintained, with surrounding outdoor grounds always looking their best so that everyone enjoys the welcome they deserve each day.

Get in touch
To find out more about how facilities management companies like 14forty can help your business reach ESG targets, please contact us on 0121 457 5207 or email