People who make things happen
Our team know what brilliant FM service looks like. They’re responsible for making your workplace better, every minute, every day.
Our chefs, security guards, cleaners, receptionists, engineers…everyone who wears the 14forty badge is united in their dedication to delivering exceptional facilities service.
Making the important decisions with you
Having a talent pool of respected, proven industry leaders driving the 14forty integrated services experience means that you can expect great service, peace of mind and senior accountability at all times.
Our diverse leadership team consists of a reassuring blend of experienced and highly knowledgeable FM professionals, each a respected specialist in their chosen field.

Join the family
Whether you’re a cleaning operative, security specialist or part of our chef brigade, we work together as a cohesive team with a shared focus – to deliver great service, reliable cover, and a seamless experience for our clients.
In return, we’ll support, coach and guide as an individual so you can truly shine as a facilities management professional.

A united team
Great facilities management does not spring from an individual. It takes a united team to do the job well, and that’s why we cultivate a positive culture of teamwork and collaboration here at 14forty.